What We Do
In 1966, firefighters in Cuyahoga County started raising money to help area Firefighter Locals defray the cost of defending their members 20 years before public sector collective bargaining became law in Ohio. Along the way, the Cuyahoga County Firefighters became the Northern Ohio Fire Fighters to more accurately describe our member locals from surrounding counties.
Who We Are
Our involvement in helping our Locals with grievance and contract negotiations, arbitration consulting and representation, and workers compensation and disability assistance has grown and improved over the years, but our core goals and mission hasn't changed: We help firefighters in any way we can. And we do it with the utmost efficiency and integrity.
Who We Represent
We represent Firefighters and Paramedics in Northern Ohio who need our help. While we support the work of the International Association of Fire Fighters and the Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters, our organization is wholly independent and answers only to our members.