Community Relations
Fire Fighters have always been held in high esteem by the citizens of their communities. To assure that this continues we are constantly working on public relations. As a Member of our Union, you are part of this effort.
As we are paid by tax dollars, every opportunity to impress the taxpayer only serves to benefit us.
Our causes include:
Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)
Of the total funds raised in the state of Ohio for MDA by Fire Fighters, 40% is raised by the efforts of Northern Ohio Fire Fighters. The fund raising occurs year round with 50’s Dances, Car Shows, Raffles and Fill the Boot Drives. Every Christmas NOFF hosts a party including Santa and presents for all area MDA patients.
National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)
A marrow transplant may be the only cure for a patient with a fatal blood disease such as Leukemia or Aplastic Anemia. Currently only 40% of people diagnosed will ever find a successful match. As Fire Fighters, we can save many more lives annually by leading the charge to add donors to the national registry than we ever will by crawling through burning buildings. We are committed to an annual drive to fund and add to the national registry.
MetroHealth Burn Unit
The Fire Fighters are the largest contributor to the John A. Gannon Center for Burns and Trauma. Annually over $60,000 is generated for this Center.
Aluminum Cans for Burned Children
Aluminum cans are collected at all area fire stations from individual and smaller companies. Larger corporations are part of our Corporate Pick-Up Program. The proceeds are used for fire safety education, Camp Phoenix, a summer and winter outing for burned children and to buy non-medical items not covered by insurance for burned victims.
Fire Safety Education
ACBC has two (2) mobile Fire Safety Houses that are delivered by request to area school systems to promote fire safety education. For more information on this Program, contact the NOFF office.